What is it?
​Chat-based care is very similar to using WhatsApp except that Wellness Hub is HIPAA & GDPR-compliant, hosted on the most secure AWS Cloud and has many additional features including AI & Metaverse enhancements.
It has become easier for employees to chat from virtually anywhere and at anytime.
Chat-based care does not eliminate in-person care but enhances it.

"Where can I find a personal trainer?"
"What's a good brand of vitamins for my family?"
"Here when you need a doctor!"
"Who can I chat with for my anxiety?"
Chat-based care provided by HRMATT Wellness Hub is safe and secure. The platform is built on the AWS Cloud and no local servers are used. Wellness Hub is HIPAA and GDPR compliant. All providers are board or council-certified by their respective bodies.
Mental Health Counsellors
Doctors & Specialists
Dietitians & Nutritionists
Patient Educators
Personal & Fitness Coaches
Wellness Providers (yoga, pilates, mindfulness, etc.)
Financial Wellness Coaches
Legal services

Care Providers
Health care providers are all registered by their respective boards and councils.
The Home of Wellness
Wellness comes in many different flavours but when blended together creates well-being.
Here are the 12 Types of Wellness your employees get support for using Wellness Hub:
Environmental Wellness
Financial Wellness
Intellectual Wellness
Occupational Wellness
Social Wellness
Spiritual Wellness

Problem trying to Solve
Problem: The epidemic of lifestyle and mental health challenges in the Caribbean with high morbidity & mortality with huge economic & social costs.

Your opportunity to add value: Offer employees a digital tool to assist with accessing holistic care and to better manage their lifestyle challenges

Easy Pay
ACH Bank Transfer:
Patient Connect Ltd.
Republic Bank, Gulf View
Chequing Account
At WiPay & Yooz locations nationwide.
Paying under account "Virtual Wellness" for WiPay & "Patient Connect Ltd" for Yooz
Q: Can any-sized business use Wellness Hub?
A: Yes. HRMATT Wellness Hub is available to any-sized business in Trinidad & Tobago, from one employee to thousands of employees via a subscription.
The cost per employee per month or annually is determined by whether or not you are a member of HRMATT.
Q: What is the cost to use?
A: A member of HRMATT pays $8 per employee per month while a non-member pays $10 per employee per month. You can discuss with us rates for larger groups of employees. Also, feel free to become a member of HRMATT.
Q: I am self-employed. Can I purchase a subscription to Wellness Hub?
A: Yes. We encourage self-employed persons to purchase the annual subscription for only TT$120. Sign-up & Pay Here:
Q: How much does it cost for chatting with the care providers? Costs for consultations?
A: Chatting with care providers for general information on Wellness Hub is always free. However, booking appointments does incur a cost for care providers services. Virtual consults are usually cheaper than in-person consultations which means great savings if you are using a group health plan or even personal health insurance. Costs for in-person and home consultations are determined solely by the care provider.
Q: Can employees make insurance claims?
A: Care providers will be responsible for any insurance claims and must be pre-approved by the employer and insurance provider.
Q: Is there a medical liability policy using Wellness Hub?
A: Yes. HRMATT, AWS and Patient Connect Ltd. assumes no responsibility for the actions, services, or advice provided by the third party care providers and will not be held to any liability, claims, or damages arising from the actions or omissions of these third parties.
Reach out to us today and begin your wellness journey with
HRMATT Wellness Hub!
The Human Resource Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago is the leading voice of the Human Resource Profession in Trinidad and Tobago
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